Ben Leskey | Blog

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2023-01-25 #software #website

diffblogbot starring the repository I saw yesterday that's bot account on Github had starred the repository for this website. I clicked through to their Github page, which described as an aggregator of developer blogs… started in 2019 to improve the visibility of self hosted blogs. I followed the directions in their README and signed in to with my Github account. Once there, I added the URL of my blog to my account settings and crawled my RSS feed. Once I saw how it was using the RSS item descriptions to generate summaries, I improved my build script to actually generate a description instead of just a list of tags. Now my blog is fully functional on! javascript plugin provides a Javascript plugin for blogs to display links to, HN, and Reddit discussions about the post. I stuck this into my blog post template and it's up and running without a hitch.

How did they find me? diffblogbot seems to crawl Github looking for blogs like mine. Looking at a random sampling of their stars, it seems that the crawled repositories are all Github Pages sites that either mention the keyword "blog" or have an RSS feed. Mine has both; I just recently added the RSS feed.

What do I think? doesn't seem to be super popular, but it has a broad selection of independent blogs in its database and it interacts very well with my RSS feed. It was kinda cool to have them crawl my website unprompted. It doesn't look like there will be any overhead for playing with, unless the Javascript plugin stops working, but that's easily stripped out. Maybe, with the fall of Twitter, services like this one will become more popular? Who knows.

I went looking for other discussion about